شريط الأخبار

رئيس الجمهورية تلقى اتصالا هاتفيا من رئيس الوزراء البريطاني: التضامن الذي ابديتموه تجاه لبنان يعكس عمق العلاقات بين البلدين تلقى رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال عون، ظهر اليوم، اتصالا هاتفيا من رئيس وزراء بريطانيا بوريس جونسون، نقل اليه تعازي ملكة بريطانيا اليزابيت الثانية وتعازي الشعب الب

انفجار بيروت: وضع مسؤولين بالمرفأ قيد الإقامة الجبرية وفرض حالة الطوارئ أعلنت الحكومة اللبنانية وضع عدد من مسؤولي مرفأ بيروت، الذين يشرفون على التخزين والتأمين منذ عام 2014، قيد الإقامة الجبرية، انتظارا لنتائج التحقيق الجاري في انفجار ال

ابراهيم اقترح شطب 85 اسما من مرسوم التجنيس أشارت مصادر مطلعة على مرسوم التجنيس للـ”ال بي سي”، الى ان “التقرير الذي رفعه المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم تضمن 85 اسماً إقتُرِحَ شطبُه من مرس

نتائج فحوص ا”لدي ان اي” للجثامين التي عثر عليها في الجرود نقلت صحيفة “الحياة” عن مصدر وزاري تبليغ أن فحوص الـ”دي.ان.ايه” تعرّفت الى جثامين 7 من العسكريين اللبنانيين الـ9 الذين خطفهم مسلحو “داعش”.

Lebanese army, armed terrorist groups clash in Tripoli: 6 soldiers died in the attacks The Lebanese army raided a fugitive in Tripoli’s Khan al-Askar, prompting gunmen to attack soldiers in the old markets of the second city of Tripoli. Clashes first erupted in al-Hara al-Berraniah, then stretched to al-Nahhasin, al-Bazerkan, al-Attarin and al-Arid markets. Lebanese army engaged

Contacts lost with training plane heading to Beirut from Cyprus Contacts were lost  with a plane used for training while en route  from Cyprus to Beirut Today. It has been revealed that the Cypriot aircraft a Cypriot national and a Lebanese pilot, George Obagi, where on board the plane that disappeared from radar at 26 miles away from the Lebanese coast accord

Explosion hits Raouche hotel Second explosion has hit Lebanon in days but this time in a hotel room. A man blew himself up inside a hotel at  Raouche district in the Lebanese capital on Wednesday as General Security members stormed his room. Lebanese Red Cross official George Kettaneh stated that, eleven people were injured in

Hizbollah will visit Bkirki in an attempt to persuade al-rahi to cancel his trip to Jerusalem Patriarch Beshara Botros al Rahi’s received huge critics from Hizbollah and other parties over his upcoming visit to Israel..The Kuwaiti daily al-Anbaa revealed that a delegation from Hizbollah is expected to visit Bkirki this Tuesday to indirectly persuade the patriarch to cancel his trip whi

Gemayel meets political leaders.Meetings were difficult and relaxed! Kataeb Party chief former president Amine Gemayel toured on various officials during this week in an attempt to save the country from a vacuum. He has held talks with leaders Geagea, Aoun, Franjieh and Walid Jumblat. Gemayel described the meetings with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea as very dif

Geagea: Deputy’s first duty is to facilitate the presidential election not to block the quorum. Leader of Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea held a press conference in Maarab on Wednesday after the adjournment of the third vote session of the presidential election. “Once again the presidential elections are hampered, which puts us before major risk,” he said.Geagea , assured that a Deput